Monday, May 14, 2012

Heart and Home

The town I live in does not have a heart.  There are many beautiful spots--sandy beaches with great waves, salt marshes teeming with life, suburban neighborhoods with kids playing outside.  The people are pretty friendly; no complaints there.  But there isn't a heart.  With no central place to gather and no distinct personality there isn't a soul. Without a beating heart there is nowhere for the soul to reside.  So we are moving.  Not yet a universally popular decision in my household, but I'm confident that they'll eventually be happy in their new home.

I've never grown roots here--neither physically nor metaphorically.  Despite their reluctance to leave, I've never gotten the impression that the boys did either.  Feeling at home in a place is a personal thing, impossible to say what draws us in more than another location.  We are moving to a place where I run into friends walking down the street, where people make and sell art, and where there are many good restaurants.  The food alone would be good enough reason for me.  And I've already grown roots there.  Spent many hours digging in the dirt.  Became blood sisters with the wood sprites, my limbs getting scratched on pine tree branches and blackberry prickers.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting that you would write about this just now. I was driving on one of the roads here in Keene - one that has a view of Mt. Mondanock - and had the thought, "I'm home - why was I so resistant to this move?" I thought I wanted to be in Portland, and loved our four years there, but Keene is home - it's where heart and soul reside for me, with me, inside me, around me - you get the picture! Like "Cheers", it's where "everybody knows my name" - my history. And I've decided that's pretty damn important! So thanks for putting it in words that resonate so strongly for me! And good luck with your move!!!!
